
Showing posts from December, 2017

Thank You My Senior Year :)

Assalamualaikum masih lagi hanna kat sini ahahahah its been awhile since i wrote something on this page due to my busy schedule ceh..ceh busy lah sangatt huhu.. not that busy but so so lahh yelaa tahun spm kan... so memandangkan harini hari last untuk tahun ni... marilah kita buat HIGHLIGHTS FOR 2017... okay takk?? sebab macam dah berhabuk gilaa blog aku... January....    biase lahh tahun baru kan..baru nak sesuaikan diri dengan keadaan baru, umur baru, kelas baru semua lahh baru... busy susun schedule untuk tuition, kelas tambahan, makan, tidur.... hohohoho i started my 2017 with my birthday celebaration with my bff(S).. thank you girls ❤ February.....            TIBA2 KENA MASUK KAWAD BHAII.. aku ni dah laa sejenis manusia yg tak aktif.. but for the sake of my bestfriend,aku join jugak (muqriez if you read it pleasee ahh berterima kasih) but okay laa belajar bekerja secara berkumpulan hoho my last sports day evaa sumpah laa ni first and last time masuk kawad....